A world where agriculture systems prioritize health, ecological balance, fairness and care.
To uphold and advance organic principles and practices through certification, advocacy, and technical support.
Our core values serve as a guide for how PCO works and makes decisions every day. Through our Core Values we recognize the interdependent relationships between all our stakeholders: certified clients, supporters and members, PCO staff and contractors, partner organizations, and the community and environment.
We keep people at the center of every action, interaction, and decision. We do this by:
We promote restorative practices that improve the world for future generations. We do this by:
Embrace transparency and integrity in all our work. We do this by:
At PCO, we recognize our role as an organic certifier within the larger agricultural system and we are committed to supporting and advancing just relationships with each other and the environment. PCO is committed to a world where certified organic agriculture is part of the solution. We are working toward a healthy environment for everyone.
Just as the organic movement was born of shared understandings and relationships amongst those committed to a vision, PCO will need the input and support of many voices to make meaningful impacts in the organic space. Organic is more than a set of standards. We see the organic movement as a web of relationships. Thank you for being a part of that relationship.