PCO’s experienced Materials Team is at your service to provide reliable, timely, and consistent organic materials reviews to ensure that input materials are in compliance with National Organic Program regulations.
Every material used in your organic operation must be documented in your Organic System Plan and approved before use. PCO accepts input materials that are approved for NOP compliance by OMRI, WSDA, and CDFA, as long as they meet their approved uses and any applicable restrictions. Currently, PCO does not accept review decisions from other certifiers.
If you have questions about a specific material or need to verify whether a product is allowed before use, please contact PCO. Your Certification Specialist and our Materials Specialists are available to assist you.
Most commonly referred to as “Inputs” or “Materials” - these are products used by operations in the production or handling of organic agricultural products. These include things like fertilizers, pesticides, livestock medical treatments, equipment cleaners/sanitizers, processing aids, etc. These types of products typically cannot be “certified” so instead they must be reviewed and approved for compliance. The organic regulations require that all materials must be disclosed to the organic certifier and approved for their specific use prior to use on an organic operation.
Input materials can be Allowed, Allowed with Restriction, or Prohibited. Restrictions, also known as annotations, are included in the regulations and may place requirements on the source or the use of an input material. Inputs are approved for specific uses, under specific criteria for each scope (Crops, Livestock, Processing/Handling). For example, an approved livestock medical treatment might not be allowed as a fertilizer, or even a livestock feed ingredient. One product may need to be reviewed under a few different criteria, sometimes even within one scope.
Several different parts of the regulation cover input materials, but the primary sections are 7 CFR 205.105 Allowed and prohibited substances, methods, and ingredients in organic production and handling and the National List at 7 CFR Part 205 Subpart G. The NOP itself does not review brand name materials, but the National List covers substances which are exceptions to the general rule that non-synthetics are generally allowed and synthetics are generally prohibited.If an input material is not already approved by OMRI, WSDA, or CDFA for the intended use, a request to have PCO review the product can be submitted. Please note that PCO will only accept material review requests from current PCO clients or ACA and Business Members.
To submit a review request, click on the link below and provide all of the required information. You can use our Input Material Ingredient Declaration Request Form or provide equivalent documentation about the product composition. The more information you can provide, the quicker we can usually complete the review. If fees are applicable, you will be billed separately. We will begin the review as soon as possible and will notify you of the result as soon as we have a determination.
National List– The NOP itself does not review brand name materials, but the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances lists substances which are exceptions to the general rule that non-synthetics are generally allowed and synthetics are generally prohibited. Particular sections of the National List that you should be aware of include: §205.601 Synthetic Substances allowed in organic CROP production §205.602 Non-synthetic substances prohibited for use in organic CROP production §205.603 Synthetic substances allowed for use in organic LIVESTOCK production §205.604 Non-synthetic substances prohibited for use in organic LIVESTOCK production §205.605 Non-agricultural (non-organic) substances allowed as ingredients in or on processed products labeled as “organic” or “made with organic (specified ingredients or food group(s))” §205.606 Non-organically produced agricultural products allowed as ingredients in or on processed products labeled as “organic”